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Screenshot - a little out of date, but shows the general idea.
Stuff I done did
- Fonts that have weird spacing to the left and top are now cropped to fit. This is optional (see Settings) because it adds work per font and is slightly slower.
- After much experimentation I finally got Fonty to spawn either gucharmap or kfontview for any given font — and you can open multiple windows. There is a new button on each font item (bottom left). Only valid fonts can be viewed.
I chose those two because:- Doing a character map of my own is just insane.
- I searched around in the Debian repos and online for other viewers and those are the two that seem prevalent. If there are others, let me know so I can attempt to wire them in.
Settings). - I flipped the tabs for Source to the bottom. My thinking is that most work happens at the bottom of the app: paging, filtering and when you scroll down in the view, you end-up at the bottom anyway. So, the tabs are closer now. This might suck...
- I added some quick filter toggle buttons for Bold, Italic and
Regular/Normal. - I did a lot of work on the appearance of the font view. There are lots of tweaks and icons/colours to represent bad fonts.
- When more than 20 fonts are in any page a wx.Yield() is done so that the entire GUI does not lock-up.
- Settings got a notebook (tabs) to better control the new options.
- The help file has been up-upgraded.
- Many strings have been altered (pog to Pog, for example) and there are some new ones too. Translators alert!
- The ability to zip a Pog — was added in 0.4.2 but it's still shiny and new.
- Also since 0.4.2 — Font counting. To prevent 'overlaps' when Pogs share common font files and you don't want them uninstalling.
- The man page is updated. man -l fontypython.1 will show it.
Right, I believe that barring any big errors this will be the latest Fonty for some time. I have to move-on to other projects now.